BUSIT Hamilton and Waikato bus service

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Hamilton Transport Centre, corner of Bryce Street and Anglesea Street, Hamilton
Hours of operation
Months of operation
All Year
Free phone number
0800 205 305
You can BUSIT to visit whanau and friends, BUSIT to Hamilton Gardens, you can even BUSIT to hit the waves in Raglan!

With 21 city routes and 14 regional routes, BUSIT gets you from A to Bee. Waikato uses the Bee Card ticketing system which is available throughout most New Zealand regions – so if you’re visiting from Northland, Bay of Plenty, Taranaki, Hawkes-Bay, Manawat–u-Whanganui, Nelson, Otago or Invercargill – your Bee Card is ready to use! If you’re from elsewhere, no worries – Bee Cards are available to purchase and top-up from the Hamilton Transport Centre sevendays a week.

Using public transport is an affordable, convenient, relaxing and comfortable way to get around and see our region. With free Wi-Fi and accessible buses – why travel any other way? Sit back, relax and enjoy being driven.

$1 - 30 (Adult)
$Free (Child)

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