Te Awamutu isite Visitor Information Centre

Hours of operation
Monday to Friday 9.00am-5.00pm, Saturdays and Public Holidays 10.00am-3.00pm, Closed Sundays, ANZAC and Christmas Day.
Months of operation
Phone number
+64 7 871 3259
We provide a comprehensive, impartial information and booking service for Te Awamutu and New Zealand for accommodation, activities, attractions and travel bookings.
The Te Awamutu isite Visitor Centre is part of New Zealand's official nationwide Visitor Information Network. Plan your stay in Te Awamutu with our friendly isite team. With four mountains of fun and lakes right on our doorstep, we offer fantastic walks with an abundance of birdlife. Try Maungatautari After Dark to experience native bush at night and hear the kiwi's call. New Zealand National Fieldays is just a 15 minute drive from our place at Mystery Creek Event Centre. Our rural farming community, mixed with walking and cycling tracks, Boutique Bed and Breakfasts, shopping and events. Come and visit.

This website helps visitors connect with providers of great tourism experiences. It is not intended to give any assurance that any particular provider complies with its safety obligations. Users should seek more information from the provider concerned. While Hamilton & Waikato Tourism will do its utmost to ensure the information contained within this website is accurate, Hamilton & Waikato Tourism accepts no responsibility or liability for any errors, omissions, offers or details of any information or operator listings. Prices, timetables and other details or terms of business may change without notice. The information included in this website is not advice and does not imply any endorsement by Hamilton & Waikato Tourism.