Morrinsville’s Herd of Cows? Goes Digital. No Bull.

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  3. Morrinsville’s Herd of Cows? Goes Digital

10 April 2024

Morrinsville’s artsy street cows are hoofing it to the global stage as part of a new digital experience designed to entice more visitors to the mighty Waikato.

Created through a partnership between Hamilton & Waikato Tourism, Morrinsville isite and Matamata-Piako District Council, the digital experience allows people to take a virtual tour to meet all of the 60 colourful fibreglass cows that make up the town’s Herd of Cows? exhibition. 

The first painted cows appeared in Morrinsville’s streets in 2015 and the herd has grown in number and fame since, developing more than just a cult following.

“We’re really excited to be able to showcase Morrinsville and the artistic flair of its community to a larger global audience,” said Hamilton & Waikato Tourism Chief Executive Nicole Greenwell.

“From Mabel the Mega Cow at the gateway to the town to the colourfully named Picowsso and Mootylicious, people can now virtually experience the magic of the Morrinsville’s bovine street-art from anywhere in the world.”

The Herd of Cows? digital experience is the second in a series being introduced by Hamilton & Waikato Tourism to showcase different nature and heritage attractions around the region. It follows a virtual tour of the Sir Edmund Hillary Walkway in Ōtorohanga which was launched last year, which has since been viewed over a thousand times.

“Technology is creating new and engaging ways to share the wonder of Waikato with the global community,” Greenwell said.

“Morrinsville’s Herd of Cows? are both memorable and visually striking and this exhibition is designed to inspire more people to visit Morrinsville and the Matamata-Piako area to experience the magic of the region in person.”

Herd of Cows project coordinator and Morrinsville Chamber of Commerce Chief Executive Cathy Balvert said the town was “udderly thrilled” to see their colourful herd heading in to the google-sphere.

“This exhibition has become a source of pride as it speaks to our agricultural heritage and flourishing artistic scene in a fun and endearing way.

"The cows have helped put Morrinsville on the map. Many people explore the streets and do walking tours to see our girls, making a day of it and visiting local hospitality and retail businesses along the way.”

Greenwell said the Herd of Cows? exhibition was just one of many reasons visitor numbers to Morrinsville have increased in recent years. She said the town is home to top quality cafés, Morrinsville Museum and the popular Morrinsville Art Gallery, and we are seeing more visitors including a trip to Morrinsville alongside Matamata-Piako and wider Waikato destinations. 

To experience the new Herd of Cows? virtual tour, visit